Hi, I’m Madeleine
I'm an artist & an astrologer.
I believe in an astrology that liberates, that opens up possibilities for life experiences and that cultivates fluidity and resilience. With Astrology for Artists I want you to connect with your creativity, the inner self that makes your heart beat strong and confidently.
Our life is our most important creative journey, and the more we know ourselves the more freedom we have to choose who we want to be. Creativity can be beautiful but also painful, as it’s the process of becoming who we are. It connects us with our hopes, beliefs, fears, wounds and from that place we heal.
Astrology spoke to my soul and allowed me to believe in myself, to trust my steps. It helped me put the pieces of my broken self together. Now I want to communicate this to guide you in the hardest of times, bringing calm through understanding the bigger picture that the sky reveals.
I'm so grateful you're here. Welcome.
Soul growth and inner spiritual development is a political act - a way to fight the fragile times we live in by connecting with our authentic self.
How incredible is it when different minds get together and make something unique, unconventional and creative that goes straight to the soul?
Ritual, performance, food, art, embodiment, spirituality, ecology, gender, belonging - these are some of the themes I love to work with. I’m always open to new creative ways to bring astrology to life. To make it accessible while imagining the unimaginable. To transgress and experiment.
To open our hearts to transformative experiences.
Explore some past collaborations, let me know if you have something in mind…
“She brings astrology to life in a way I have never seen before, she turns astrology into an art form.” - Sinead A

“The light she emits whilst describing the nature of her inspirations is infectious and incredibly touching.” - Jessica B